Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/12/2006 (The Cusp Of Concept & The Electromagnetic Box)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Some rain today with a bit of humidity.

I noticed today another aspect of human realization I believe.

Within the idea of addressing reality - within that effort to understand, humans have progressed through several different and even related metaphoric modes used for such understanding. metaphoric representations of reality as it were (some then becoming solidified to a greater or lesser degree) - i.e.; comparing life and reality to a tree.

The representation even being seen as to encompass all.

When I consider it, this then is a representation of that tendency toward limitations.

This sort of representation even before such realizations of said limitation and confinement aspect.

As well, such is pre-realization and recognition of that cusp between concept and application.

Such contained and limited directions reside before (and even some after) our recognition of such a cusp.

When was it then, that such realization as said cusp and self imposed limitations was/were recognized - began to be discerned?

I am curious to attempt to recognize such an area of realization within my own research at some point. To see if I personally can find an area when such self limitations were first realized within that process of understanding - within the progressive capacity realization of humans - when it was that such a cusp, as well, was first acknowledged beyond the confined and limited realization of existence present within such metaphors.

I believe such acknowledgement would have been due to recognizing the innate tendency of humans to gravitate toward security and sense of power. Maintaining the directions of limitations (if even subconsciously) - as per that subconscious want. Immediately it occurs to me that such a tendency (toward security) isn't due to primitive mindset or even a supposed advanced intellect - but more perhaps due to the relationship between man and woman - then further, between man, woman and child(ren).

This then takes on another trait with more modern times as roles within society shift and move within that ever narrowing confinement.

Initially, it would seem that the female sought the safety and security of assurance - while in our modern day and as such safety and assurance have saturated society, the female now tends more to venture out although out is no longer out as it once was.

Out is now contained within a considerable amount of safety -

Essentially then, this means that we continue to build in so to speak - expanding in some cases, that over imposed consistency (producing perceived safety) in the effort even to create an illusion of freedom - when really, that over structured direction is as result of our tendency toward self limitations.

This is further peculiar in the continued maintenance of some areas within that man/woman social dynamic and interaction. Even within that safety is the tendency to try and gravitate toward those familiar roles - while simultaneously attempting to exist within said illusion as per.

Further then, within such developments is the opposed dynamics of older (tree depiction for instance) ideas pertaining to society, and the newer impermanence ideas which I feel are post said self limitation and realization of such.

I cannot see where one or the other should be discounted as it were, but more I see where they interact. As well it is obvious that such interaction is at least partially as result of that man/woman relationship through time.

Before such modern realizations, it seems that the female tendency toward establishing security in tending the hearth - more so the want of said - contributed greatly to a perceived need for permanence so to speak - where in the modern day, the female seems more toward the tendency of impermanence - frivolity even (as with many other respects in society).

Again, I do not see where one is to consume the other in the motion of progression, as there is still much benefit from that which is perceived as established permanence as it now exists within the modern dynamic of impermanence.

Which things within society then should fall within applied impermanence and our innate tendency to contain (resulting in that which is perceived as permanence)?

Permanence must first be acknowledged in the interest of society - when simultaneously a level of impermanence must have as much sway in the same interests as such permanence is.

This then immediately causes me to consider again, the idea of establishing permanence as a conduit of sorts (as described in the perspective of seeing such established structures/conditioning for thought, as a sort of conduit).

Odd and entertaining contradiction on the whole, I would say!

Getting caught up in the limited direction of applying limitations in order to present an illusion of freedom.

Perhaps it is evident of that progression in/of realization - resonating? Especially considering those imposed limitations of thought structure. Those earlier, confined ideas of all as result beyond the realizations presented. As if it were their echo in the sense of their confinement then acting as a sort of transducer - diaphragm of sorts. Both still interacting within the tendency and consistency I have mentioned. ~

As another note in exploration - perhaps it is that tendency to seek confinement which is most appealed to from modern music mediums as well? Such would stand to reason given the observable progression within such developments.

The fact being that, as I have stated, those mediums themselves are limited and contained in their very nature as per production and reproduction. Seeing that any recording is spatially (and subconsciously perceived as such) only as big as the room it was recorded in (even considering electronic effects), perhaps it is that such lends to the comfort of that innate want of finding containment? Soothing that tendency through essentially placing it in an otherwise im-perceivable audio frequency box, so to speak. A conditioning of sorts which extends that feeling of security (that at home feeling for instance) im-perceivably through the illusion at times even of grand and immense presentations?

With the consistency and standards of such techniques, this then illustrates as well - that point of saturation I have eluded to in reference to over imposed consistency . Such eventually becoming over solidified and then stagnating.

In considering the effect of this on a larger scale - in the idea of presenting all of those existing variations (though only being a limited number of them) of rooms that are most commonly heard in popular music forms - it then presents a rather hodge podge configuration of unsymmetrical imperfection within the containment effect Meaning that in considering the effects all told, it is no box at all, but rather a large unsymmetrical - inconsistent configuration which might liken to a molecule sort of suggested shape, though being comprised of a squared tendency due to those rooms and vocal booths of various sizes and shapes.

This then changing (mutating) however subtly as does the more popular - larger percentage of given influences through those mediums.


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